In Turkey, there are markets in Energy sector to exchange electricity. Most agreements are bilateral contracts, approximately 68% of all agreements in 2017, 61% in 2018. Since bilateral contracts are made by taking into consideration forecasting supply and demand, when time to deliver electricity has come, there may be inbalance between supply and demand. Therefore, companies which have excess electricity and companies which need electricity can deal with each other. Agreements in day-ahead market are 27% of all agreements in 2017, 36% of all agreements in 2018. There is a significance increasing in using day-ahead market. The importance of day-ahead market cannot be ignored. EPİAŞ(Enerji Piyasaları İşletmeleri A.Ş.) is responsible for deciding Market Clearing Price(MCP), in Turkish "Piyasa Takas Fiyatı", in day-ahead market. In this analysis, my aim is to find reasons for fluctiations in Market Clearing Price in day-ahead market. The data I used belongs to EPİAŞ Transparency Platform.
1) Libraries
2) Market Clearing Price Behaviour
3) Analyzing Effects of Some External Variables over MCP
A. Natural Gas Reference Prices
B. Total Generation from All Renewable Resources
4) Conclusion
import warnings
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
In this section, we analyze behaviour of the market clearing price in day-ahead market between October 2018 and April 2019.
df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/sena/Desktop/IE Coursebooks/PTF-01102018-01102019.csv",parse_dates=[[0,1]], dayfirst=True)#Data extracted in csv format
Firstly, we have to set an index. The most appropriate choice is datetime column.
df = df.set_index(['Date_Hours'])
The data type of MCP is not recognized. Therefore, we remove the commas and convert to integer value.
df['MCP'] = df['MCP'].str.replace(',','.') # Removing the commas
df['MCP'] = df['MCP'].apply(pd.to_numeric) # Converting MCP to numeric value
df.head() # A view of its final form
df.describe() # Statistical review of MCP
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.set_title("MCP Values(TL/MWh)")
As we see, there are very significant fluctuations in MCP values. The reason is that there are time intervals which electricity is used very less, like at 5 a.m. In these intervals, producers having excess electricity match very few buyers in day-ahead market, so the market keeps the MCP very low, even 0 TL at some points.
The graph is plotted in hour frame. In general, it cannot show the behaviour of MCP in 6 months. We have to resample the hourly prices in daily frame.
df_daily = df['MCP'].resample('D', label = 'left').mean()
df_daily = df_daily.to_frame()
Now, we ready to plot the behaviour of average daily MCP.
x = np.array(range(len(df_daily["MCP"])))
z = np.polyfit(x,df_daily["MCP"],deg=1) # Calculating the coeffecients of the trendline
p = np.poly1d(z)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
ax.plot(df_daily["MCP"], label='Daily Price Means') # Plotting the monthly averages
ax.plot(df_daily.index, p(x), color='magenta', label='Trendline') # Plotting the trendline
ax.set_title("Average Daily Price over Time")
plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.8)
print('The slope of the trend line is {:.2f} TL/Day, {:.2f} TL/Month.'.format(z[0],z[0]*30))
When we look at the graph, we can clearly see that average daily price shows a tendency to decrease between October 2018 and April 2019.
In this section, we analyze the effects of natural gas prices over MCP. The reason behind the test is that natural gas is a very common resource to generate electricity. Most of them are imported, so the price may be a reason for fluctuations of MCP. Natural gas reference price has an abbreviation, which is "GRP".
We take the data.
gas = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/sena/Desktop/IE Coursebooks/Gaz_Referans_Fiyati_(GRF)_2018-10-01_2019-04-23.csv",parse_dates=[0],dayfirst=True,encoding = 'unicode_escape')
We decide an index for gas
gas = gas.set_index(['Gaz Günü'])
Since data type of "GRP" is unknown, we have to transform into float.
gas["GRP"] = gas['GRP'].str.replace('.','')
gas["GRP"] = gas['GRP'].str.replace(',','.')
gas["GRP"] = list(map(float,gas["GRP"]))
If we check the data;
len(gas) - gas['GRP'].count()#To find rows having NaN values
There are rows which have NaN values. We have to remove these rows to plot the data correctly.
gas = gas[np.isfinite(gas['GRP'])]
Now, we are ready to compare the data. We merge df and gas
pd.concat function requires that the indices be unique. To remove rows with duplicate indices;
gas = gas.loc[~gas.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
df_daily = df_daily.loc[~df_daily.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
df1 = pd.concat([gas,df_daily['MCP']], axis=1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
ax.set_title("Scatter Plot of Daily Average MCP and Natural Gas Reference Price")
ax.set_xlabel('Gas Reference Price (TL)')
ax.set_ylabel('MCP (TL/MWh)')
ax.scatter(df1['GRP'], df1['MCP'])
corr3 = pearsonr(df1['GRP'], df1['MCP'])
print("The correlation coeffecient between Natural Gas Reference Price and MCP is {0:.2f} and the p-value is {1:.2e}".format(corr3[0],corr3[1]))
If we evaluate the correlation coefficient between MCP and Gas Reference Price(GRP), we can say that there is no strong correlation between them, because we cannot expect a quick response in MCP to rapid changing GRP. MCP is related to the amount of electricity in the day-ahead market. GRP may affect the daily average MCP in the upcoming days. Also, GRP is used in Natural Gas Continuous Trading Platform fundamentally.Daily average MCP can be affected indirect way.
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
ins1 = ax1.plot(df_daily["MCP"], color='blue', label='Daily MCP Averages') # Plotting the monthly averages
ax1.set_ylabel('MCP (TL/MWh)', color='blue')
ax1.tick_params('y', colors='blue')
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ins2 = ax2.plot(gas["GRP"], color='r', label='Daily Gas Reference Price') # Plotting the trendline
ax2.set_ylabel('GRP(TL)', color='r')
ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r')
ax1.set_title("Average Daily MCP and GRP over Time")
plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.2)
ins = ins1+ins2
labs = [l.get_label() for l in ins]
ax1.legend(ins, labs, loc=0)
Again, we can realize that there is a weak correlation between daily MCP average and GRP. However, when GRP increases or decreases, daily MCP average is affected after few days, same changing with GRP.
It is hard to forecast how much electricity can be generated in that time. Renewable resources should be a good example for our experiment since they instantaneously vary hour-by-hour.
Like Natural Gas Reference Price section, we take the data and do manipulations to plot these values.
total_uretim = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/sena/Desktop/IE Coursebooks/yekdemLisansliUretimMiktari-01102018-01042019.csv",parse_dates=[[0,1]], dayfirst=True)
total_uretim = total_uretim.set_index(['Tarih_Saat'])#Setting index
total_uretim["Toplam"] = total_uretim['Toplam'].str.replace('.','')
total_uretim["Toplam"] = total_uretim['Toplam'].str.replace(',','.')
total_uretim["Toplam"] = list(map(float,total_uretim["Toplam"]))#Converting float
To look at the bigger picture, let's analyze behaviour of daily total generation from renewable resources:
total_uretim_daily = total_uretim["Toplam"].resample('D', label = 'left').mean()
total_uretim_daily = total_uretim_daily.to_frame()
x = np.array(range(len(total_uretim_daily["Toplam"])))
z = np.polyfit(x,total_uretim_daily["Toplam"],deg=1) # Calculating the coeffecients of the trendline
p = np.poly1d(z)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16,8))
ax.plot(total_uretim_daily["Toplam"], label='Daily Generation') # Plotting the monthly averages
ax.plot(total_uretim_daily.index, p(x), color='r', label='Trendline') # Plotting the trendline
ax.set_title("Average Daily Generation From Renewable Resources over Time")
ax.set_ylabel('Electricity Generated (MWh)')
plt.grid(linestyle='--', alpha=0.1)
print('The slope of the trend line is {:.2f} MWh/day and {:.2f} MWh/month.'.format(z[0],z[0]*30))
The graph above shows that the average daily electricity generated in renewable resources increases in every month. One of the reasons is that the amount of rainfall and snowfall significantly increases in these months. Hence, we think daily average MCP should decrease unless there is another reason to affect in reverse direction.
df3 = pd.concat([total_uretim,df["MCP"]], axis=1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 9))
ax.set_title("Scatter Plot of MCP and Electricity Generation from Renewable Resources")
ax.set_xlabel('Total Generation from Renewable Resources (MWh)')
ax.set_ylabel('MCP (TL/MWh)')
ax.scatter(df3['Toplam'], df3['MCP'])
corr3 = pearsonr(df3['Toplam'], df3['MCP'])
print("The correlation coeffecient between total production from renewable resources and hourly market clearing price is {0:.2f} and the p-value is {1:.2e}".format(corr3[0],corr3[1]))
As we expect, there is a negative correlation between electricity generated from renewable resources and hourly Market Clearing Price.
As a result, increasing the amount of electricity generated from the renewable resources supports the downfall of the hourly Market Clearing Price. Our claim was true. In day-ahead market, we can observe that quick fluctuations in hourly generation from renewable resources have a quick effect over hourly MCP.
When we look at the numerical values and graphs,