Latest Works

An Analysis on Demand Forecasting Reports of Electricity Distribution Companies (Can Turkish Electricity Distribution Companies Predict the Future Well?)

In this report, 21 electric distribution companies’ demand forecasting reports for next 10 years are analyzed and these companies are compared by their forecasting performances during my internship at Algopoly on 05.07.2019.

Matching Cities Based on Their Electricity Consumption Profiles (What is Your City’s Twin City?) (For Codes) (For Turkish Version)

Cities’ electricity consumption values from January 2017 to April 2019 are analyzed during my internship at Algopoly on 20.07.2019. They are clustered by their electricity consumption profiles. These clusters are classified and shown in Turkey map.

An Analysis on the Rise in the Unit Cost of YEKDEM between February 2019 and May 2019 (Why Does the Unit Cost of YEKDEM Increase?)

The unit cost of YEKDEM had been increased from February 2019 until May 2019. Its reasons are investigated. This report was prepared during my internship at Algopoly on 02.08.2019.

A Study on Reasons of Changes in Market Clearing Price in Day-Ahead Market at Enerji Piyasaları İşletme A.Ş. (Reasons About Fluctuations of The Market Clearing Price in Day-Ahead Market between September-2018 and March-2019)

In this report, it is examined fluctuations of the market clearing price in day-ahead market.



From June 17,2019 to August 31,2019, I had been a data science intern at Algopoly, an R&D firm. I had written 4 reports during my internship. Reports are indicated above.

Softwares and Programming Languages

About Me

I’m Alkım Can Çelik. I’m a junior Industrial Engineering student at Boğaziçi University. I am enthusiast about data science, data analytics, operations research, machine learning algorithms in finance. My aim is to improve my analysis and coding skills, and to learn new approaches to analytics.


For more information, you can reach me through Linkedin, or visit my GitHub page. Please check my CV.